SleepPro Teeth Whitening - Custom Made Bleaching Trays (2024)

SleepPro Teeth Whitening - Custom Made Bleaching Trays are madefrom the same high-grade materials we use for producing our anti-snoring and night guard products.

When your order is placed,we will send you a simple home impression kit to take impressions of your upper and lower teeth. From those impressions, we will produce yourSleepPro Teeth Whitening - Custom Made Bleaching Trays. Single kits can be ordered if only one set is required for upper or lower.

YourSleepPro Teeth Whitening - Custom Made Bleaching Trays come with a free storage case.

Trays are 1mm thick and should not be used for any other purpose than whitening trays

Please note we do not supply bleach or whitening gel.

Trays can only be as good as the impression, we would suggest you take a look at this video to helpfor hints and tips on creating a quality impression we can use

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    SleepPro Teeth Whitening - Custom Made Bleaching Trays (2024)


    Do custom teeth whitening trays work? ›

    Professional take-home teeth whitening trays are said to be one of the most effective ways to whiten teeth. The appliance is used to apply the bleaching product to the patient's teeth and it keeps them immersed in the product as it begins to remove stains from the inner and outer layers of their teeth.

    How long does it take to whiten teeth with bleaching trays? ›

    Mostly, these treatment sessions last for roughly 30 minutes to an hour at a time. The alternative to dentist-created whitening trays and solution is to visit the dental office for an in-office treatment. We can usually complete an in-office treatment in one or two visits and produce results within a matter of hours.

    Why is my teeth whitening tray not working? ›

    If teeth whitening does not work for you, it might be because of the product you are using, the type of tooth stains or spots, or strength of the bleaching gel.

    Do you brush your teeth after using bleaching trays? ›

    After Whitening: Remove the tray and rinse off your teeth.

    Brush any remaining gel away. Brush, floss and continue routine dental cleaning. You may initially notice white splotches on teeth following removal of tray. This is typically cause by dehydration of the teeth and should diminish within an hour.

    Can you leave bleaching trays in overnight? ›

    Wearing time

    You may wear your trays overnight if you have no sensitivities but don't do it the first time. Start with shorter wear-times and build up your wear-time little by little.

    Should teeth whitening trays be tight? ›

    A good trays should not have any sharp edges that can discomforts your mouth in any way. It should not feel too tight or too loose while putting them on your mouth. A good whitening trays needs to fit the mouth like a Cinderella's lost shoe (hypothetically speaking), like it is only made for you.

    Can you drink water with whitening trays in? ›

    The filled trays are usually worn overnight. You should not eat, drink or smoke whilst wearing the trays.

    How often do you use custom whitening trays? ›

    Wearing them every other day or even once a week can give great results! Once you have achieved the white smile you desire, stop wearing the trays. If you have trays remaining, save them. You can always use them to touch up that amazing smile later.

    Can yellow teeth become white again? ›

    Yellow teeth can regain whiteness through various methods, including good oral hygiene, professional dental cleanings, and teeth-whitening treatments. Stains from coffee, tea, or tobacco can be removed with adequate oral care, while professional procedures like bleaching or laser treatments offer quicker results.

    Can you over whiten your teeth? ›

    Over whitening your teeth can cause them to become translucent, making the yellowish colour of your dentin more visible. It can also make your teeth look blue or grey. To avoid this occurrence, talk to your dentist about how often you should whiten your teeth and what concentration of bleaching agent is right for you.

    What happens if you leave teeth whitening gel on too long? ›

    Because teeth whitening uses a hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide gel to permeate to the lower layer of your teeth called the dentin, some people experience tooth sensitivity. Typically, this occurs when your whitening trays have been left in too long or you have whitened your teeth too many days in a row.

    Why are my teeth not white after professional whitening? ›

    After the treatment, it is natural for teeth' color to regress somewhat over time. This is normal and should be gradual, but it can be accelerated by exposing the teeth to various staining agents, such as coffee, tea, tobacco, red wine, colas, citrus drinks, fruits, etc.

    Why did my teeth go back to yellow after whitening? ›

    Teeth can become temporarily dehydrated after using whitening strips. Your teeth may appear more yellow as a result of this dehydration because the enamel may become dry and lack moisture. Dehydrated enamel sometimes has a transparent appearance that makes the naturally yellowish dentin underneath visible.

    Why don t my teeth respond to whitening? ›

    You Have Too Many Dental Restorations

    Dental repairs, such as crowns or veneers, don't respond to tooth whitening products. If you have any of these rebuildings, particularly in your front teeth, they will not bleach with whitening products. They were placed to match your tooth color. Bleaching will not damage them.

    How much gel do I put in teeth whitening trays? ›

    Only a small amount of the gel from the provided syringe should be inserted in the tooth tray to avoid the solution spilling out onto the gums. Patients should place only a drop of the gel on the front of each tooth in the tray and avoid moving the bleach around.

    How long do you leave white dental beauty novon on your teeth? ›

    With products such as White Dental Beauty's 6% Hydrogen Peroxide whitening gel now available, teeth can be whitened from as little as 30 minutes a day. White Dental Beauty have different concentrations, each powered by an intelligent compound called NOVON® which promises safe yet effective whitening results.

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    Article information

    Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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    Views: 6448

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    Author information

    Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

    Birthday: 1993-07-01

    Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

    Phone: +22014484519944

    Job: Banking Officer

    Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

    Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.