Wellcare Dual Align 129 (HMO D-SNP) - Hearing Aid Benefits | FreeHearingTest.org (2024)

Wellcare Dual Align 129 (HMO D-SNP)

plan information last updated December 22, 2023

Company: Wellcare by Health Net
Plan enrollment: 34,533
Total monthly premium: $0
Max annual payment: No Maximum Payment
Plan link on Medicare.gov: Plan on Medicare.gov
Plan website: www.wellcare.com/healthnetCA
Plan member phone number: 800-275-4737
Plan prospect phone number: 844-917-0175

OTC Supplemental Benefits (OTC Catalog May Include OTC Hearing Aids)

Supplemental OTC Benefit Amount Per Period: $260.00
Benefit Amount is Every: Every three months
Can The Benefit Rollover Periods? No
Total Annual OTC Supplmental Benefit: $1,040.00


Plans may not include hearing aids in their eligible OTC supplemental items. Please call the plan to verify if they include hearing aids in their OTC supplement catalog.

Prescription Hearing Aid Coverage

Does plan cover hearing aids?: Yes
Can benefits be used for OTC Hearing Aids?: No
How many hearing aids does the plan allow? 2 per Every year
What is the max coverage amount? $1,000
Is the benefit per ear or for both ears combined?: Per ear
Is the benefit ONLY available in-network? Can be out of network
What time period does the coverage apply to? Every year
Is there a maximum out of pocket cost? No out of pocket maximum
Does the member have to pay Coinsurance? No coinsurance required
Is a CoPay required? Yes
Minimum CoPay: $0
Maximum CoPay: $0
Is Prior Authorization Needed? Yes
Is Physician Referral Needed? Yes

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Wellcare Dual Align 129 (HMO D-SNP) - Hearing Aid Benefits | FreeHearingTest.org (2024)


What is Wellcare Dual Align 129? ›

Starting January 1, 2023, Wellcare Dual Align 129 (HMO D-SNP) will provide your Medicare benefits. It will work with its matching Health Net Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan to provide your Medicare,Medi-Cal,Medicare prescription drugs through one organization.

Which Wellcare plan is best? ›

WellCare's Value Script plan has the lowest monthly premium and no deductible for drugs in tiers one and two. It may be best for you if you don't need prescription drugs but need prescription drug coverage to avoid paying late penalties. The Value Plus plan has a higher monthly premium but no annual deductible.

What is a SNP look-alike plan? ›

D-SNP “look-alike” plans (sometimes called “mirror” plans) are Medicare Advantage plans that plan sponsors have designed specifcally to attract dual eligible benefciaries.

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